66 kV Mono Pole Structure and 24m Mono pole Installation with ADSS at Finkenstein Road Crossing
2 Km 132kV Mono Pole Structure with OPGW from PV plant to Substation
2.5km of 66kV Wooden H Pole Structures at Rosh Pinah Zinc Mine
20 km of 66kV Mono Pole Structures for Grid connection
1km 66kV Mono Pole Structures and H Poles with ADSS from Omburu PV Plan to Omburu Sub Station
Relocation 20 km of 33 kV Wooden Pole Structures with New transformer points at Hartebeesloop
Excavation of holes for ADSS line from Swakopmund to Arandis and from Arandis to Rossing Mine
10km of 33 kV OHL at B2Gold for ring Supply Wooden Pole Structures
5km 66kV line build on 132kV Mono Pole structures including OPGW
40 km of restringing with Hot conductor for increase power transfer capabilities incl.48 core OPGW
Various 11kv66kV Road Crossings on the new B2 and A1 freeway
35 km Lattice steel line including 48 core OPGW
180 km Lattice steel line, including 48 core OPGW (compact cross rope structures)
35 km Lattice steel line including 48 core OPGW
20 Km Construction of concrete Sigle circuit line incl.24 core OPGW
Construction of steel mono pole line with special design for 780m span over the orange river
5km of Dual circuit concrete line including 24 core OPGW
125 km Concrete pole Transmission line
330km of DC 350kV Lattice steel line including OPGW
250 km 132kV steel Mono Pole Line including OPGW
Route selection, survey, Route clearing ,Construction, Erection, Stringing and commissioning of 132kV OHTL
75km of 132kV Wooden Pole H-Pole Line
Various 11to 33kV wooden pole structures constructed at Brakwater